The days of a stay at home mom

Since asked often what I do all day, I am creating this blog. Lately I have been assigning myself 20 tasks to be completed each day. It keeps me organized and lets the world in to see what the stay at home mom of school aged kids actually does.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Been too busy to even blog twenty

Seriously. I am on fire! I have been cooking better meals. I actually cook breakfast now and make the husband's lunch. I am a regular suzy homemaker ;)

1/20 Make breakfast - done
2/20 Pack husband's lunch - done
3/20 Clean up kitchen - done
4/20 Clean LR/DR - done
5/20 Take kid two to her Dr. appt. - done
6/20 Clean bathroom
7/20 Work on population assignment
8/20 Edit resume - again
9/20 Turn in PCE application - again
10/20 Marinate meat for dinner - done
11/20 Get mail - done
12/20 Laundry - done
13/20 Take kid one to orthodontist appt. - done
14/20 Take kid two to swim - cancelled for snow
15/20 Clean bedroom
16/20 Make dinner - done
17/20 After dinner cleanup - done
18/20 Finish population assignment
19/20 Study for Natural Science exam - done
20/20 Study for Bio exam

Monday, January 3, 2011

Holy busy day batman twenty

I am starting this year off full swing

1/20 Finish up setting up menu for the month - done
2/20 Clean LR/DR - done
3/20 Clean Kitchen - done
4/20 Walk dog - done
5/20 Get mail - done
6/20 Reschedule dentist appt - done
7/20 Get checks - done
8/20 Deposit checks in bank, take laundry money out - done
9/20 Go to laundromat - done
10/20 Buy paint for LR/DR/Kitchen - tried, but they were out of what I wanted
11/20 Buy groceries - done
12/20 Clean bathroom
13/20 Clean bedroom
14/20 Study for natural science test
15/20 Make dinner - done
16/20 After dinner cleanup
17/20 Have the husband take my professional picture
18/20 Turn picture in for application
19/20 Finish PCE application
20/20 Start bio paper on Mass extinction

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Holidays are over twenty

At least the messier ones. We still have the New Year but in the mean time...

1/20 Shower and be human - done
2/20 Make sure the kids eat lunch - done
3/20 Pick up LR/DR - done
4/20 Get mail - done
5/20 Pick up Kitchen - done
6/20 Take down lights off balcony - done
7/20 Pick up bathroom - done
8/20 Pick up bedroom - done
9/20 Take kid to swim - done
10/20 Grocery shopping - done
11/20 Pick up kid from swim - done
12/20 Put groceries away - done
13/20 Start dinner - done
14/20 Work on Bio Paper (Critical Thinking is done and passed as of yesterday!)
15/20 Eat dinner - done
16/20 After dinner clean up - done
17/20 Play a game with the kids - done
18/20 Get bills ready to send out - done
19/20 Plan menu based on groceries
20/20 Work on resume for school - done

Friday, December 17, 2010

Vacation begins twenty

My husband is off work for a bit! Going to have some fun this next week. Friends of mine are coming over. Kids friend is coming over. Swim meet in the morning. TGIF :)

1/20 Take girls to school - done
2/20 Come home and shower - done
3/20 Take kid to her doctor appointment - done
4/20 Come home, check mail - done
5/20 Laundry 1 in - done
6/20 Clean LR/DR - done
7/20 Scrub spots out of carpet under table - done
8/20 Laundry 1 in dryer, laundry 2 in - done
9/20 Clean Kitchen - done
10/20 Clean out fridge - done
11/20 Laundry 1 out, laundry 2 in dryer, laundry 3 in - done
12/20 Fold and put clothes away - done
13/20 Clean bathroom
14/20 Walk dog - done
15/20 Laundry 2 out, laundry 3 in dryer, laundry 4 in
16/20 Clean girls room
17/20 Laundry 3 out, laundry 4 in dryer
18/20 Get snacks set up for this evening
19/20 Laundry 4 out
20/20 Fold and put clothes away

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Another snow day twenty

1/20 Clean up LR/DR - done
2/20 Clean Kitchen - done
3/20 Watch documentary - done
4/20 Laundry 1 in (still not caught up, I admit) - done
5/20 Clean bathroom - done
6/20 Get mail - done
7/20 Laundry 1 in dryer, laundry 2 in - done
8/20 Get meat marinated for dinner - done
9/20 Bake potatoes for dinner - done
10/20 Clean Bedroom
11/20 Laundry 1 out, laundry 2 in dryer - done
12/20 Fold and put clothes away - done
13/20 Walk dog - done
14/20 Work on bio paper - done
15/20 Mail cards that didn't get done
16/20 Laundry 2 out - done
17/20 Fold and put clothes away - done
18/20 Make dinner - done
19/20 Shower and other stuff like that - done
20/20 After dinner cleanup - done

Monday, December 13, 2010

Snow day twenty

School is closed and roads are not so fun looking.

1/20 Laundry 1 in - done
2/20 Shower/be human - done
3/20 Laundry 1 dryer, laundry 2 in - done
4/20 Final christmas present ordering - covered everyone down to stockings :) - done
5/20 Laundry 1 out, laundry 2 in dryer, laundry 3 in - done
6/20 Clean LR/DR - done
7/20 Clean Kitchen, take trash out - done
8/20 Laundry 2 out, laundry 3 in dryer, laundry 4 in - done
9/20 Fold and put away clean clothes - done
10/20 Clean out fridge - done
11/20 Clean bathroom - done
12/20 Laundry 3 out, laundry 4 in dryer, laundry 5 in - done
13/20 Work on bio paper
14/20 Laundry 4 out, laundry 5 in dryer - done
15/20 Go to post office for stamps
16/20 Finish addressing Christmas cards, get them sent out - half done
17/20 Laundry 5 out - done
18/20 Fold and put clothes away - done
19/20 Start getting dinner put together (Carnitas with homemade corn tortillas. Yum!!) - done
20/20 After dinner cleanup - done

Going to start marking when things are done as well to motivate me a little bit more...

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Tired and cranky twenty

Although 99% of it came from my kids. Sigh.

1/20 Take kids to school
2/20 Laundry 1 in
3/20 Quick clean LR/DR
4/20 Clean Kitchen
5/20 Laundry 1 dryer, laundry 2 in
6/20 Clean bathroom
7/20 Start biology paper
8/20 Laundry 1 out, laundry 2 dryer
9/20 Fold and put clothes away
10/20 Work more on paper
11/20 Laundry 2 out
12/20 Fold and put clothes away
13/20 Go to meeting at school
14/20 Walk dog/get mail
15/20 Study for natural science test
16/20 Decorate balcony
17/20 Take kid to swim
18/20 Take kid home from swim
19/20 Dinner/cleanup
20/20 Finish bio paper